This shelter has been nicely preserved by Liz Towner who bought the house – a three bed semi detached- in 2007.
Says Liz:
The lady we bought it from had lived it in since it was built in 1928. The garden was overgrown by the time we took possession, but when we started to clear it we discovered the shelter under a thick growth of sedum over the roof.
The shelter itself is a simple metal structure and is now empty inside with a bare earth floor. There is no evidence of any internal structure or other materials. There is no door; currently a wooden panel is secured over the entrance, and there is a three foot drop to get into the space.
When we renovated the house we found a large amount of WW2 ephemera including a kit bag, some petrol ration coupons, an air warden armband and some cigarette cards. The shelter itself was full of boxes of size seven wooden shoe lasts- no idea why!